Page name: Storm Lovers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-24 01:05:42
Last author: maddydukes72
Owner: maddydukes72
# of watchers: 25
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Storm Lovers Unite


Me, [maddydukes72], and [Kurus_Dreaon] love storms. Is there anyone else out there?

hey idk what else to post so feel free to post stuff here, like if theres a storm hitting, or u got ur own storm pix or sumthing

Storm Lovers
Storm Banners

Username (or number or email):


2004-08-07 [maddydukes72]: lol, pic a badge n e badge

2004-08-07 [rustyrose2]: done. its all good now! :P

2004-08-07 [maddydukes72]: woo hoo

2004-08-07 [metallickittycat]: STORMS ARE MY FRIENDS!:D. storms are its harder to get a sunburn on a cloudy day...and you dont get the stupid sun in your eyes....^-.-^

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: another great reason to love storms

2004-08-08 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yes...i love it when its all dark becuz of a storm...its a wonderful thing right there

2004-08-08 [*slipknot-rock*]:

storms rule

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: sweetness

2004-08-08 [rustyrose2]: *sings* no the sweetness will not be concerned with me!* hehe, jimmy eats world! woot. can play that on ma guitar! ^^ (random!)

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: can u thats cooool

2004-08-08 [rustyrose2]: and funn!! :D

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: sounds it, i wish i could play the guitar

2004-08-08 [rustyrose2]: do you play any other kind of instrument?

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: lol, not really, im musically challanged

2004-08-08 [rustyrose2]: lol so what's your special talent then?

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: special talent? do i need a special talent??

2004-08-08 [rustyrose2]: o come on, everyone can do something funky, right?? like r u good at math or sumthin? O.o

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: lol, not at all, i suck at math intensly

2004-08-08 [rustyrose2]: so r u telling me that you arent good at anything??

2004-08-08 [maddydukes72]: uhh...........umm........*thinkthink*

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: wow i am so hyyyyyyper n ow

2004-08-09 [maddydukes72]: im sorry, im still thinking....

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: lol!!

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: meh, i gotta leave anyways :s

2004-08-09 [maddydukes72]: damn my slow thinking

2004-08-09 [Kurus_Dreaon]: you is awsome maddydukes...ya got plenty of special talents...ya have to have em

2004-08-09 [GOREgouseXhex]: can i join...

2004-08-09 [Kurus_Dreaon]: please do...the more the better

2004-08-09 [GOREgouseXhex]: YAY!!

2004-08-09 [maddydukes72]: yay i lvoe it when ppl join!!! and kurus, dear, wtf u talking about?

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: hiyas! (i just joined! yay!

2004-08-09 [maddydukes72]: WOOHOO this wiki is GROWIN

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: u know it  it's just so goody that's y

2004-08-09 [maddydukes72]: well none of my other wikis i attemped did this well, i guess im just surprised

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: lol  o  i dont' have one so i wouldnt' know teheh

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: so what's up y'all lol y'all... that's a funnny word

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: I've made a kind of graphic thing, maybe to spark up this page a lil? corel 8 funky lil' fill that looks a little bit like lightning with the words "storms rule". hehehe, anyone interested??

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: i am i am I AM! lol

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: see my house!

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: okie dokie

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: WOW! me likey me likey tehehe

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: lol i did no work whatsoever. fill tool--type tool. and TADA finished ^^

2004-08-09 [maddydukes72]: i wanna seeee! post it

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: so should i put it up here sumhow? just for this page, not like a banner/badge thing or w/e. :P

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: errrr i need a password :S

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: password!

2004-08-09 [barutha]: it was thundring last night, and i got really excited because i saw flahes in the darkness of my room, htinking it was lightning, but alas, i was mistaken. it was merely the flashes of lights form the tv as i played that resident evil. bloody zombies/

2004-08-09 [Sarah Serenade]: lol ask

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: yes but who knows the password! :S sum1?

2004-08-09 [barutha]: dont you think its cool guys how when you find somehting that is so popular a wiki page can do so well so quick?

2004-08-09 [rustyrose2]: lol yes. :P

2004-08-10 [maddydukes72]: i think its wicked cool bc its my wiki, lol soryy im just so happy!

2004-08-10 [Sarah Serenade]: yup i do thinks that kewlies!

2004-08-10 [maddydukes72]: *dioes happy dance*

2004-08-10 [Sarah Serenade]: lol dance girl dance!

2004-08-10 [maddydukes72]: *dances more crazily and music begins to blare and a disco ball and strobe light apperar from nowhere*

2004-08-10 [Sarah Serenade]: lol

2004-08-10 [maddydukes72]: *poll comes down from ceiling i start to dance on it* wait too much...sry...

2004-08-10 [Kurus_Dreaon]: NOO go ahead i mean...its ok...might be...umm......enjoyable *coughs*

2004-08-11 [maddydukes72]: hahaha, bc im just SO good at pole dancing

2004-08-11 [Kurus_Dreaon]: who knows...yah might be

2004-08-12 [Sarah Serenade]: Not a lot of people are good at pole dancing, i uh, dont' think, but you are! go girlies! GO GO

2004-08-12 [maddydukes72]: okok if you all insist *pole comes back down, i start dancing on it again*

2004-08-12 [Sarah Serenade]: lmao   u go !!! woohooo! lol

2004-08-12 [maddydukes72]: *techno music comes on along with the disco ball and strobe light*

2004-08-12 [Sarah Serenade]: ROTFLMAO!! uh huh go go go go uh huh yea yea

2004-08-12 [Kurus_Dreaon]: oh hell are GOOD

2004-08-12 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: hello

2004-08-12 [Sarah Serenade]: hi!!!

2004-08-12 [Spratt]: theres been loadsa storms where i live! they r well good!

2004-08-12 [Sarah Serenade]: ERG!ness! i'm so jealous! it's been raining here a lot latley but i really need a storm to look at!

2004-08-12 [maddydukes72]: 2 hurricanes are coming my way, whos jealous now, HUH HUH!?!?!? no one...? ok

2004-08-13 [barutha]: my weather is carzy. it starts of mornign all sunny like, but by ythe end of the day its all rainy and thundery. but no luightning.

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: that is rather odd, well i just got caught in some light rain so far, it felt nice bc its soo hot'

2004-08-13 [Sarah Serenade]: i'm still jealous maddy lol

2004-08-13 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sounds like texas...if ya dont like the weather wait five minutes

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: we ave had heavy rain, thunder, lightning, and thay eiree wind that sorta howls!

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: word we just got a thunder shower last night, but it didnt last to long...

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: i keep wakin up cos of the flashes of lightning!

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: haha nice, is it like a strobe light? that happened to me once

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: yeh! i love to see it but it freaks me out sometimes!

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: i really thot sumon was tkaing pics on my roof last ngiht bc there was no thunder but the lightning was CLOSE

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: lol! that would b freaky!!! i thought thunder was the sound of lightning?!?!?

2004-08-13 [rustyrose2]: how could lightning be close but there be no thunder? that is very freaky.

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: yeah i was a tid bit weirded out but it was generally cool, maybe sumone was taking pix on my roof...

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: *confuzzled* lol maybe some1 was on the roof takin pictures?!?!?!?

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: oops u sed the same thing lol!

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: o well, either way it could happen..

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: lol!

2004-08-13 [rustyrose2]: ya never kno.... >_>  <_<   >_>

2004-08-13 [Spratt]: (",) very true!

2004-08-13 [rustyrose2]: lol

2004-08-13 [maddydukes72]: *starts singin "Somebodys watching me"*

2004-08-13 [Sarah Serenade]: hahaha

2004-08-14 [maddydukes72]: good song, well kinda

2004-08-14 [Nite_Owl]: hello peoples ^_^^

2004-08-14 [Nite_Owl]: hello peoples ^_^

2004-08-14 [maddydukes72]: ello, u a new member?

2004-08-15 [Nite_Owl]: yeah

2004-08-15 [maddydukes72]: werd. hey ppl, envy me hurrican charley is getting close, i got heavy rain and thunder right now and its only 6:15 AM, haha

2004-08-15 [Nite_Owl]: i think we got like 2 bolts of lightning last night lol. that's the first time in about three or four years. no rain though... :(

2004-08-15 [maddydukes72]: it was pouring this morning but nuthing since then

2004-08-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: awww....we havent had much weather lately...its all been drizzle here and there...darn weather wont storm anymore....fudge lol

2004-08-16 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: allo allo! oim back from the most stunning alberta canada! wewt! ^__^ i can only suppose the world has had the best storms of its life without me, eh? like H. Charlie? in florida? x___X anyhoo.. how yall doin, eh? heh ^.^;;

2004-08-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: meh

2004-08-16 [maddydukes72]: grr the cool rainy ness has stoppped for a while, but itll be back i hope

2004-08-16 [Sporty_mom]: i just joined this wiki =)

2004-08-16 [Sporty_mom]: i mean: my son joined

2004-08-16 [Spratt]: lol kool!

2004-08-16 [maddydukes72]: heey nice

2004-08-17 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: well nevermind then... *sigh no more happiness for you then, eh? >,_,<

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: whatcha talk bout

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: watcha talking about

2004-08-17 [Nite_Owl]: i wish it'd rain soon, it's way too hot out to go to school lol

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: is everyone in school besides me...i feel alone, happy thst im not yet in school, but alone

2004-08-17 [Spratt]: im not in skool! (cos i dont go 2 skool anymore lol im at college now but still im still in the holidays!)

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: oo cool im not the only one, thats a good sign

2004-08-17 [Spratt]: lol wen do u go bk?

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: in like 3 weeks

2004-08-17 [Spratt]: i think i ave another 4 weeks cos the 2nd years ave 2 give the 1st years a week 2 settle in

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: oo cool beans

2004-08-17 [Spratt]: lol!!!

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: ¿?

2004-08-17 [Spratt]: (",)

2004-08-17 [maddydukes72]: k

2004-08-18 [Tableau Vivant]: hiya, i singed up here via my moms ID.

2004-08-18 [maddydukes72]: cool beans

2004-08-18 [You deserve each tear that falls.]: what is the password?

2004-08-18 [Rambert]: I wish for power outages :) and i wanna see a tornado up close

2004-08-19 [maddydukes72]: what do u need th password for?

2004-08-20 [Sarah Serenade]: to change things cuz it's protected i guess

2004-08-20 [Kurus_Dreaon]: why you need chang things?

2004-08-20 [Sarah Serenade]: i don't know... sorry

2004-08-20 [maddydukes72]: see thats why i have a password i dont want ppl changeing things... if u think we should change something lemme knnow, im a flexable person

2004-08-20 [Sarah Serenade]: lol o i gets it, someone needed the password!!  gosh im' so stupid

2004-08-20 [maddydukes72]: hahahahha

2004-08-20 [Sarah Serenade]: wel it's true...  lol

2004-08-20 [maddydukes72]: silly goose

2004-08-20 [Sarah Serenade]: ya ya u knkow it

2004-08-20 [maddydukes72]: werd there was just a t-storm right over me when i was ealking home and there was this huge thing of lightnign that shook my house just from the was so cool

2004-08-21 [Sarah Serenade]: erg! i'm so jealous!! i haven't seen a storm in  in   i cant' remember how long?

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: hahahahahahahaahhahaa...sry, weve had quite a few

2004-08-21 [Sarah Serenade]: = P !!!! i'm still really jealous!!! cuz i love storms... o yes i do...and if i didnt' i wouldn't bee in this wiki!! haha like my poem?

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: weve been having some everyfew hours it seems to have just stoped

2004-08-21 [Sarah Serenade]: oo wow... GRR I'M THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT STORMS~~  *boo*

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: *pats blueyez on the back*

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: i think [Sarah Serenade] needs a group hug

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: *Group hug* Oh by the way should i mention that i hear thunder?

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: werd, i almost got hit by lightning last night

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: ouch

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: i wasnt so im ok dokey

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: Alright! more thunder!!!! *does a storm dance*

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: hey sever t-storm watch ehre HAHA

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: don't know not near a tv...

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: where u live?

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: NH and u?

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: MA, so we're close

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: where in ma i have family in the mansfeild and foxborog(sp) area

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: i loice about 2 minutes from boston

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: i live about an hr from boston... hows the flooding?

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: not bad at all, i havent got n e

2004-08-21 [Kit Azhure]: its hard to drive round in NH at least where i live weve had too much water it has no place to go

2004-08-21 [maddydukes72]: wow

2004-08-22 [Sarah Serenade]: so close to what?

2004-08-22 [Sarah Serenade]: oh! nevermind, sory lol i didnt' read lol

2004-08-22 [maddydukes72]: haha

2004-08-23 [Sarah Serenade]: lol

2004-08-25 [Eloura]: I LOVE STORMS espaecaly thunder and lightning storms.

2004-08-25 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: ME TOO!!!

2004-08-25 [Eloura]: KEWL.

2004-08-25 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: mmmmmhmmmm

2004-08-25 [Nite_Owl]: i've heard there's supposed to be a 6.0 earthquake the day after my b-day (not a storm i know but close enough lol)

2004-08-25 [Eloura]: ok kewlz

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: just stormed here...and i mean BIG TIME was awsome

2004-08-26 [Eloura]: awsome.

2004-08-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yes it was awomeness galore

2004-08-26 [Eloura]: kewlz

2004-08-26 [Sarah Serenade]: aint' it tho?

2004-08-26 [barutha]: i juts come back from holland/netherladns type thing. they have some fun storms there. the thunder was making the windows shake. groovy.

2004-08-27 [Sarah Serenade]: kewlies! lol

2004-08-27 [rustyrose2]: man, its raining here, but there's no thunder or anything :(!

2004-08-27 [Sarah Serenade]: aw

2004-08-28 [Spratt]: i was campin with 22 of my mates the other day and it was pouring with rain all our tents leaked and we all got soaked!!!

2004-08-28 [Nite_Owl]: where do you people live that it rains and storms so much?! i wanna go there!

2004-08-28 [Spratt]: lol jolly old england!

2004-08-28 [Sarah Serenade]: Oh!Oh!Oh! I wanna go!

2004-08-29 [daydreams of happyer times]: tornados are the best! i love it when the wind makes shit fly!

2004-08-29 [Nite_Owl]: O.o i wish i could go to england someday, California gets way too hot for people unless they live on the coast...*sigh*

2004-08-29 [Kurus_Dreaon]: weather every 5 minutes lol

2004-08-29 [Sarah Serenade]: Michigan just sux the big one  once u put on shorts for a hot day, *BOOM*!, it gets really cold

2004-08-29 [Spratt]: im really suprised by the amount of peeps that wanna come 2 england lol!

2004-08-29 [Spratt]: wow the sky is red! "red sky at night sheperds delight" YAY!

2004-08-30 [Sarah Serenade]: G!! ur makin me really jealous!

2004-08-30 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Why, don;t you want a storm>

2004-08-30 [Sarah Serenade]: yes i wanna storm! that's yy i'm jealous

2004-08-30 [Spratt]: lol moohahaha!

2004-08-30 [maddydukes72]: i love rain RAINY RAIN RAIN

2004-08-30 [Kit Azhure]: I just heard the first crack of thunder :D

2004-08-30 [maddydukes72]: no thunder here

2004-08-31 [Sarah Serenade]: not one tiny thinger here..*sob**sob*

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